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Egypt Day One

So I’m writing this while waiting for the aurgery. Im due to go down at 11:30 local time,  So yeaterday was travel day, we decided to leave home around 1am when our families had gone to bed. This was so as I wasnt to tired to drivining at the scheduled 4am we had planned.  We were at heathrow for 3am and ready to go. The airport was fine a little boring but what do you expect when your 6 hours early for your flight!  Then to Egypt! Even as we came into land the country looked old school. Now once we were picked up, the drive to the hospital was an experience! For a couple of says before coming I had this fear that I may die. If it was going to happen it would be this drive! The roads are crazy! No such thing as lanes or order! Every body just weaves in and out depending how fast your going!  Fortunately we survived! Emad was lovely, he checked us in to the hospital and took us down to the laboratory for blood tests. Then accompanied a porter to take us to our rooms. ...
Recent posts

Weight-loss Surgery

​ This is difficult writing for a number of reasons. Mainly because by logging into blogging apps it has unearthed my previous blogs. These blogs were at a time I was much happier with my weight. Still very much over weight but very different to where I am in life now!  Never the less I will continue to write and document this process.  My weight has spiralled again, the heaviest I have ever been, and now I intend to do something about it on a more physical basis. In 18 days time I fly to Egypt to have bariatric surgery.  I have decided to document the journey and one day may post it for all to see, This is me, this is my journey

Its Christmas......

In my family, we offical know its Christmas when the Coca Cola advert airs on TV  However this year didnt have the same affect... For starters its usually aired during a break of xfactor so this year was ruin Lets be honest Rona has a LOT to answer for! But for me Christmas represents the start of newer things... 2018 I weighed just short if 450lbs I had lost 30lbs and was on the way to losing a lot of weight throughout the next year... 2019 I weighed 375lbs a staggering 105lbs weight loss it sounds amazing BUT I was on the way back up.... I had got as low as 347lbs and thought I could manage without tracking Low and behold.. Today I sit at 429lbs But I’m good, I’m working hard, I’m tfacking and have a plan in place for christmas and focus and determination to hit my goal Merry Christmas fuckers 

Santa Shred Completed

So 6 weeks have passed and Jamie Alderton’s 6 week santa shred has come to an end.  Now I know I’m not going to be announced as a winner, and I’m cool with that. I overcome fears of posting video’s of me talking to going live to an audience! Although it was only 2 people! 🙈🙈 I finished 3lbs difference to my start weight, however I had slowly increased in weight for the first 5 weeks so this weeks achievements were 7lbs!  I liked Jamie’s style of coaching, his accessibility is second to none and he interacts with anyone who requires it!  I’m hoping to stay in his group and aim to push on with my lifestyle changes! Here’s to another week! 💪🏻💪🏻

JSA Support

So after a few weeks of feeling stagnent I got stuck in the process feeling deflated and like a failure I put out a lengthy post in the JSA group and the to be quite honest the support was fantastic From this one status a couple of people’s comments stood out and made me reflect Mike Redden pointed out - my progess regressed and although I have gained wait I am not where I started I’ve maintained at least a 40lb loss!  Neil Pollock mentioned - comparison is the thief of joy... he then pointed out that this isnt just comparing ourselves to others but also comparing ourself to.... ourselves! The one thing I struggled was how I had progressed last time round How I dropped so much weight last time Now Instead of focusing on what happened before, its about how I can improve this time Its very different circumstances this time around!  Then this comment popped up  Moira hs been how one can only explain as FUCKING INCREDIBLE Moira created an accountabilty spreadsheet, something ...


This week I have been off work for almost two weeks and to be honest I am fucking bored My intentions were to use the time to get back in the gym, something I was struggling with previously My thinking was to go during the day when others are working as its not as busy and I can start to remember why I liked going without the anxiety I create about being there However the national lockdown kicked in, so instead I had two weeks at home and my plans changed and I didnt adapt!  The over powering thought of cupboards full of food while I am counting calories and trying to avoid it all This was emphasised by boredom!!  Having nothing substantial to occupy  my mind led to me struggling! Picking on foods I wouldnt of been ofherwised worried about and needing to reach out for support The mind is a powerful thing and it seems that mine needs to be occupied in order to stop me reaching for food! 


Its time again for Wednesday wisdoms This week I am looking at our relationship wkth the earth! I’m not talkjg about Greta Thunberg and Eco friendly products!! I’m talking about the effect gravity has on us and what we call weight Throughout my weightloss journey I have focused on what the scales say. There was a time I would get caught up on what it said and whether I have lost weight or not. However this has changed How? Well for one I weigh every day, fiest thing in the morning I log each days weights and then I take an average each sunday and compare that to the previous weeks average Why? I do this because I understand that weight changes several times thriughout the day based on so many factors Water retention Bowel movements When I last ate Etc So if I only weigh once a week there is a chance it could be affected by by any one of these factors Here’s an example... Monday I weigh 436 and then the following Monday I weighed 437 So I gained 1lbs right??  WRONG !! Because I took...