Anyone entering into a new lifestyle of tracking food naturally tend to start counting steps.
They go hand in hand
We get fitness watches, step counters and debate the best accuracy between fitbit and iWatch
There seems to be this daily target of 10,000 steps
We all aim for it... but why?
I understand it brings with it a level of effort required to get to that benchmark but for some this requires way more energy than others
For example.. Diren Kartel, pioneer of #neatup247 will do 10,000 steps in his sleep!
Watch his stories and he is on the move ALL the time
Doing a informative video - he bounces aboutCooking - he dancesMeeting a friend - he walksGrabbing a coffee - he walks
From experience.. my normal daily steps was averaging 2000/3000 at a push aiming for 10,000 would be over 3x my normal movement
Would I be able to lift 3x my deadlift PB without prior training?
One thing I picked up from James Clear - Atomic Habits is that forming a habit is about 1% at a time
The example being if a plane left heathrow and flew 1% or 1degree off of the intended flight path would it end up at the intended destination?
Would it fuck!
1degree at the start could be a diffence of hundreds if not thousands of miles at the end!
So when starting off why aim for 10,000 steps
Why not aim for increasing the steps daily
A little more each day!
In 6 months time Your be moving more than you ever did without the feeling of exhaustion and wanting to give up!
We all aim for it... but why?
I understand it brings with it a level of effort required to get to that benchmark but for some this requires way more energy than others
For example.. Diren Kartel, pioneer of #neatup247 will do 10,000 steps in his sleep!
Watch his stories and he is on the move ALL the time
Doing a informative video - he bounces aboutCooking - he dancesMeeting a friend - he walksGrabbing a coffee - he walks
From experience.. my normal daily steps was averaging 2000/3000 at a push aiming for 10,000 would be over 3x my normal movement
Would I be able to lift 3x my deadlift PB without prior training?
One thing I picked up from James Clear - Atomic Habits is that forming a habit is about 1% at a time
The example being if a plane left heathrow and flew 1% or 1degree off of the intended flight path would it end up at the intended destination?
Would it fuck!
1degree at the start could be a diffence of hundreds if not thousands of miles at the end!
So when starting off why aim for 10,000 steps
Why not aim for increasing the steps daily
A little more each day!
In 6 months time Your be moving more than you ever did without the feeling of exhaustion and wanting to give up!
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