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Timing ⏱

I’ve thought long and hard about this blog, started typing then started over. 

I wanted talk about time.... ⏱

It goes so fast, I mean already we are in May.. soon to be June, 3 weeks into the Bali challenge and times not stopping for anyone! 

Time is something so precious and yet is something often used as a way out.

I’m a prime example of not having enough time, or at least saying I don’t. And I wanted to break it down... show how my time was spent and how it could be improved, but instead:

I want to emphasis on timing.. 

When things happen and how it affects us...

There have been some times in my life when things have been bad. 

I hit some serious low points...

One thing consistant at all of those times was my support.. my family were amazing, but an unexpected friendship formed at just the right TIME


Aaron is my age, we played in the same rugby team. Aaron was, well different. He was a lads lad and wouldn’t think twice about abusing someone. 

He was a complete joker, he would happily call me a fat bastard and stand there with a huge grin on his face.

We weren’t enemies but we were far from close. 

Yet when shit got tough, this boisterous joker stepped up. He turned up to my place late one night. And he wouldn’t go until he knew everything.

Since that day, I consider him my best friend. We don’t talk every day. We don’t talk every week. There have been whole months we haven’t spoke. In fact one time he fucked off to Australia for a whole year without me. But still checked in from time to time with the occassional facetime. 

But I know that when I need him, he will be there!

So how does this fit in with timing? 

Remember last week? When to be honest I was a mess... 

I hadn’t spoken to Aaron, he didn’t know how I was feeling. Yet he tagged me in this...

Something so simple and something he knew nothing about yet his timing impeccable!! 

In fact the tosser just messaged me while writing this!!!! I screenshot it as proof!!

And this what the fucker sent hahahahah

My family support has been amazing, but this simple post came at a time I needed something to help me through. 

Knowing he recognised my hard work, was something that made me evaluate my mindset, made me believe in myself and remember everythingI have I earn’t. If I want something, I have to work for it. But at least I knew my efforts are being recognised! 

I’m forever grateful for his friendship and thankful for his support.

When time is so precious
No certainty's it will last
Live for today
As it will move so fast


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