I’ve thought long and hard about this blog, started typing then started over. I wanted talk about time .... ⏱ It goes so fast, I mean already we are in May.. soon to be June, 3 weeks into the Bali challenge and times not stopping for anyone! Time is something so precious and yet is something often used as a way out. I’m a prime example of not having enough time, or at least saying I don’t. And I wanted to break it down... show how my time was spent and how it could be improved, but instead: I want to emphasis on timing.. When things happen and how it affects us... There have been some times in my life when things have been bad. I hit some serious low points... One thing consistant at all of those times was my support.. my family were amazing, but an unexpected friendship formed at just the right TIME Aaron Aaron is my age, we played in the same rugby team. Aaron was, well different. He was a lads lad and wouldn’t think twice about abusing someone. He...
Previously lost 9.5st November 18 to December 19. Lost focus, and returned to old habits. Now in excess of 400lbs and starting all over again! This blog is a constant reminder to myself on how far I went before and what I am capable of. Feel free to be part of that journey! Follow me on Instagram @jpbakes33 for daily updates